Online Applications

New Applicants

If you have not registered to use the system, click on the button below to commence the registration process.

Only international applicants are eligible to apply.

Australian Permanent Residents or Australian and New Zealand Citizens should apply using the domestic application system.

You can make application for:

  • Admission only
  • Admission and Scholarship

Before lodging an application, you must establish contact with a prospective supervisor who is required to provide written confirmation of the relevant department/school's willingness to supervise your proposed project. The online application will prompt you to upload this communication. For information on how to find a supervisor please refer to

Existing Applicants

If you have already registered to use this system you can access the online application form for Graduate Research Admission and Scholarships by entering your login details below.

For any login issues, please contact us via the Enquire Form

Before You Begin

Before you commence the online application please refer to How to Apply for details on the admission processes, offer rounds and relevant closing dates.

Important information regarding the online application

The More Information button visible within each section of the online application form provides you with additional information and useful links you may require to complete your application.
You may save the data in your application and return to it at any time before submitting.
You must click Next at the base of each section to save your responses.


There are a number of documents that you may be required to upload or reference in order to complete and submit your application. It is advisable to have any of the documents below, that are relevant to your application, on hand before you commence completing the online application form.

Mandatory Documents You May Need to Supply

Passport If you are in possession of a current passport you will be required to supply a copy of the personal details section of your passport.
Visa or DHA Statement/Email Confirmation of Visa Grant If the visa you intend to study on in Australia has already been granted you will be required to supply an original copy of your official visa, or official Department of Home Affairs email or statement / email confirmation that your visa has been approved.
English language proficiency test results:
  • IELTS (Academic)
  • PTE (Academic)
  • TOEFL (Internet Based Test)
  • Cambridge English: C1 Advanced Test
If you have undertaken an IELTS (Academic), PTE (Academic), TOEFL (Internet Based Test) or Cambridge English: C1 Advanced Test in the 24 months preceding the application date you will be required to supply a copy of your English Language Proficiency test results.
Academic Transcript(s) You will be required to supply an original copy of your official Academic Transcript(s) for all undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications you wish to include in your application.
English Translation of Academic Transcript(s) If your official Academic Transcript(s) for your qualification(s) was not issued in English, you will be required to supply an official English translation of the official Academic Transcript(s).
Grading Scheme Explanation(s) If your official academic transcript(s) for your qualification(s) does not contain an explanation of the grading scheme used, you will be required to supply an official Grading Scheme Explanation(s).
English Translation of Grading Scheme Explanation(s) If you are supplying an official Grading Scheme Explanation that was not issued in English you will be required to also supply an official English translation of the official Grading Scheme Explanation(s).
Parchment(s) / Degree Certificate(s) If a transcript you are supplying does not provide a date of conferral for your qualification you will be required to supply an original copy of the Parchment or Degree Certificate for that qualification if the qualification has been completed.
English Translation of Parchment / Degree Certificate(s) If you are supplying a Parchment or Degree Certificate for any of your qualifications that was not issued in English you will be required to supply an official English translation of the Parchment or Degree Certificate.
Graduation Certificate(s) If a qualification you are including in this application has been obtained from a University in China, you will be required to supply the Graduation Certificate if the qualification has been completed.
English Translation of Graduation Certificate(s) If you are supplying a Graduation Certificate for any of your qualifications that was not issued in English, you will be required to supply an official English translation of the Graduation Certificate.
Evidence of Sponsorship / Scholarship If you have been awarded a scholarship or sponsorship, to fund your study at Adelaide University, from an external body such as your employer, home government, the Australian Government or some other source, you will be required to provide official written evidence of this.
English Translation of Evidence of Sponsorship / Scholarship If you have been awarded a scholarship or sponsorship and the evidence of this sponsorship / scholarship was not issued in English, you will be required to supply an official English translation of this evidence.
Change of Name Documentation

If at least one of the documents you are supplying is in a different name, you will be required to provide change of name documentation, to ensure that all supporting documentation can be linked to your current name.

Name change documentation can include:

  • A deed poll notice
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Other official change of name documentation
English Translation of Change of Name Documentation If you are supplying change of name documentation which was not issued in English you will be required to provide an official English translation for your Change of Name documentation.
Correspondence with Proposed Supervisor You will be required to supply a copy of the correspondence you have received from your proposed supervisor.
Structured Curriculum Vitae

As part of your application you are required to provide your curriculum vitae on the Structured CV template available here.

The Structured CV must be uploaded in PDF format. If you are applying for scholarships and the Structured CV is not included in the document upload it will impact your scholarship application.

Research Abstract If your highest degree requires / required you to undertake research you will be required to supply a Research Abstract (maximum 500 words) providing a clear description of the research you have undertaken and details of the outcomes.
Training Courses / Units Undertaken If your degree(s) provides / provided any formal training courses/units into research methodology you will be required to supply details of training courses/units you have undertaken as part of your highest degree (maximum 200 words).
Credit Application If you are applying to transfer your program from another University/Tertiary Institution or you are applying for credit on the basis of studies undertaken at another University/Tertiary Institution you will be required to complete a Credit Application form.
Research Publications (Accepted or Published only) If your research has been published (accepted or published publications only) you will be required to list the details of all of your accepted or published research publications.
Research Proposal

All GR applicants are required to submit a Research Proposal on the University template.

Application for Remote Candidature If you intend to apply to complete your studies remotely/offshore then you will be required to complete an application for remote candidature.
Highest Degree Thesis Dissertation If your highest degree requires / required you to undertake research and/or produce a formal thesis/dissertation, and it is in English, you must provide a copy of your highest degree thesis / dissertation.

Optional Documents You May Wish to Supply

Previous Work If you have been employed in any research positions you may optionally provide a document detailing your previous work experience.
Professional Qualifications / Memberships If you hold any professional qualifications or memberships relevant to your application you may optionally provide a document providing evidence (in English) of your professional memberships / qualifications.
Reference Letter(s) If you wish to provide any reference letters (in English) you may optionally provide a document detailing these.
Other English Evidence If you wish to provide any documentation relevant to your other English language proficiency you may optionally provide a document detailing these.